Girl from the Moon


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Girl from the Moon

A long time ago I’ve walked on the Moon
And sang my songs, and shone at night
By reflected from sun and my soul light
For you
If you wanted to fall asleep soon

Listen to my moon song,
Walk with me under stars.
Love in space is strong
And we still have Mars.
Listen to my moon song,
Walk with me under stars.
Love in space is strong
And we still have Mars.

I’ve seen you all from a cosmic height
And that brave man, and his small step
And one giant leap, and stars so bright
And new
Between planets radio rap

Listen to my moon song,
Walk with me under stars.
Love in space is strong
And we still have Mars.

My time has come to be born on Earth…
Goodbye my Moon, see you not soon!
My two big worlds, you are excellent both,
But now
A new girl walking on Moon.

Listen to my moon song,
Walk with me under stars.
Listen to my moon song,
Walk with me under stars…

© 2019 Mariia Miroshnychenko aka Maria Myrosh, music and lyrics

Many thanks to Phyllis MacBryde & Vladimir Zaichikov for help in creating this song. It is a girl on the moon! 🙂